Downover Shawl


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And here are some
Free Patterns for you!





































Please note that Patterns and Books are not returnable or exchangable.

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     Here you will find individual patterns for shawls, vests, jackets, and sweaters. Many of the designs feature my own yarns but all are designed to work with your choice of yarn.      The patterns are written and formatted to be "knitter friendly" and include detailed instructions for any special techniques used in the design. Because I love to teach, many patterns include tutorials on favorite or unusual knitting tricks. The goal is to ensure that you, the knitter, enjoy the process as well as the finished garment.
      Individual patterns can be viewed and purchased in my Ravelry Shop and will be delivered instantly as digital files using their shopping cart system.

  These digital patterns along with many more are in the Ravelry Shop

        Arachne's Bower Shawl                              Nazo                         

        Arachne's Bower Shawl             Vests Pattern Page   


                       Double Refraction Shawl               


          Mountain and Plains                                  Wishbone Shawl

          Mountain and Plains Shawl          Wishbone Shawl


