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Cheryl Oberle Designs
3315 Newton Street
Denver, Colorado 80211


Fax: 303.477.5645

E-mail: cheryl@cheryloberle



Workshop Contract | Workshop Dates & Descriptions

Workshop Fee Schedule

"On the Road" fees are $600 per day with a minimum of two days. Trunk show/ lecture fees are an additional $150 per event. The sponsoring organization is also responsible for all transportation costs, transportation back and forth to the airport and to the workshop location, my food and accommodations beginning on the night before the first workshop and ending on the morning after the last workshop. I prefer staying in a hotel/motel close to the workshop location. My requirements are simple: a quiet, private room and "down time" to recharge in the evenings.

I will cover the cost of the workshop handouts. If special lecture/workshop materials need to be sent ahead of time, the organization is responsible for shipping (and insurance) both ways The students are responsible for their own supplies required for the workshops.

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